Selected Publications

Thermoelectric Skutterudites

  1. “The local structure of skutterudites: A view from inside the unit cell” Frank Bridges Mod. Phys. Lett. B30, 1630001 (2016) doi:10.1142/S0217984916300015 PDF
  2. “Modeling correlated motion in filled skutterudites” Trevor Keiber and Frank Bridges Phys. Rev. B92, 134111 (2015) doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.92.134111 PDF
  3. “Anisotropic distortions in Sb doped CePt4Ge12” F. Bridges, P. Nast, J. Wilde, T. Keiber, M. B. Maple, K. Huang, B. D. White IOP Conf. Series: Mat. Sci. and Eng. 80, 012004 (2015) doi:10.1088/1757-899X/80/1/012004 PDF
  4. “A comparison of the local structure in ball-milled and hand ground skutterudite samples using EXAFS” M. Short, F. Bridges, T. Keiber, G. Rogl and P. Rogl Intermetallics63, 80 (2015) doi:10.1016/j.intermet.2015.04.001 PDF
  5. “Complex vibrations in arsenide and oxy-skutterudites” F. Bridges, B. Car, L. Sutton, M. Hoffman-Stapleton Trevor Keiber R. E. Baumbach, M. B. Maple, Z. Henkie, and R. Wawryk. Phys. Rev. B 91,014109 (2015) PDF
  6. “Local distortions about Nd in NdOs4Sb12“. Trevor Keiber, Frank Bridges, R. E. Baumbach, and M. B. Maple. Phys. Status Solidi C.10, 250 (2013) doi: 10.1002/pssc.201200506. PDF
  7. “Unusual local disorder in NdOs4Sb12 and PrOs4Sb12“. Trevor Keiber, Frank Bridges, R. E. Baumbach, and M. B. Maple. Phys. Rev. B.86, 174106 (2012) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.174106. PDF
  8. “Local distortion induced metal-to-insulator phase transition in PrRu4P12“. D. Cao, R. H. Heffner, F. Bridges, I.-K. Jeong, E. D. Bauer, W. M. Yuhasz, and M. B. Maple. Phys. Rev. Lett.94, 036403/1-4 (2005) doi: 10.1103/physrevlett.94.036403. PDF
  9. “Evidence for rattling behavior of the filler atom (L) in the filled skutterudites LT4X12 (L=Ce,Eu,Yb; T=Fe,Ru; X=P,Sb) from EXAFS studies”. D. Cao, F. Bridges, P. Chesler, S. Bushart, E. D. Bauer, and M. B. Maple. Phys. Rev. B , 70, 94109/1-11 (2004) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.70.094109. PDF
  10. “Investigation of ferromagnetic filled skutterudite compounds EuT 4Sb12 (T = Fe, Ru, os)” .  E. D. Bauer, A. Slebarski, N. A. Frederick, W. M. Yuhasz, M. B. Maple, D. Cao, F. Bridges, G. Giester, and P. Rogl   Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 16, 5095-107 (2004) doi: 10.1088/0953-8984/16/28/027: .  PDF
  11. “X-ray-absorption spectroscopy study of the heavy-fermion superconductor PrOs4Sb12“.  D. Cao, F. Bridges, S. Bushart, E. D. Bauer, and M. B. Maple   Phys. Rev. B 67, 180511-1-4 (2003) doi: 10.1103/PhysRevB.67.180511.   PDF

Thermoelectric Clathrates

  1. “Comparison of local distortions in Ba8Ga16X30 (X=Si, Se, Sn): an EXAFS study T. Keiber, F. Bridges, P. Nast, S. Medling, T. Takabatake J. Mater. Chem. C 40, 10574-82 (2015). doi:10.1039/c5tc01641j PDF
  2. “Direct verification of Ga-Ga bond avoidance in the type-I clathrate Ba8Ga16Sn30 from its x-ray absorption fine structure”. M. Kozina, F. Bridges, Y. Jiang, M. A. Avila, K. Suekuni, and T. Takabatake. Phys. Rev. B , 80, 212101 (2009). PDF
  3. “EXAFS study of n- and p-type Ba8Ga16Ge30“. Y. Jiang, F. Bridges, M.A. Avila, T. Takabatake, J. Guzman, G. Kurczveil. Phys. Rev. B , 78, 014111/1-14 (2008). PDF
  4. “Off-center phonon scattering sites in Eu8Ga16Ge30 and Sr8Ga16 Ge30“. R. Baumbach, F. Bridges, L. Downward, D. Cao, P. Chesler, B. Sales. Phys. Rev. B , 71, 24202/1-19 (2005). PDF
  5. “Possible mechanism for glass-like thermal conductivities in crystals with off-center atoms”.  F. Bridges and L. Downward  Phys. Rev. B 70, 140201-1-4 (2004).  PDF

Other Thermoelectrics

  1. “Lead is not off center in PbTe: The importance of r-space phase information in extended x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopy”. Trevor Keiber, Frank Bridges, and B. C. Sales Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 095504 (2013) doi 10.1103/PhysRevLett.111.095504. PDF
  2. “Complex role for thallium in PbTe:Tl from local probe studies”. Trevor Keiber, Frank Bridges, B. C. Sales, and H. Wang Phys. Rev. B. 87, 144104 (2013) doi 10.1103/PhysRevB.87.144104. PDF
  3. “Unusual distortions about Tl and Pb in PbTe:Tl”. Frank Bridges, Trevor Keiber, Scott Medling, and B. C. Sales Phys. Status Solidi C. 10, 236 (2013) doi 10.1002/pssc.201200478. PDF

AC Electroluminescence & Sulfides

  1. ” Structure in multilayer films of zinc sulfide and copper sulfide via atomic layer deposition “. A. Short, L. Jewell, A. Bielecki, T. Keiber, F. Bridges, S.A. Carter, and G. Alers J. of Vac. Sci. and Tech. A 32, 01A125 (2014) doi: 10.1116/1.4847956 PDF
  2. ” Local degradation of electroluminescent emission centers in ZnS:Cu,Cl phosphors “. S. Medling, F. Bridges, and S.A. Carter J. of Lum.134, 251-254 (2013) doi: 10.1088/0953-8984 PDF
  3. ” Atomic layer deposition of zinc sulfide with Zn(TMHD)2 “. A. Short, L. Jewell, S. Doshay, C. Church, T. Keiber, F. Bridges, S. Carter and G. Alers J. of Vac. Sci. and Tech. A31, 01A138 (2013) doi: 10.1116/1.4769862 PDF
  4. “Synthesis and Characterization of Organically Soluble Cu-doped ZnS Nanocrystals with Br Co-activator “. C. Corrado, J. K. Cooper, M. Hawker, J. Hensel, G. Livingston, S. Gul, B. Vollbrecht, F. Bridges and J. Z. Zhang. Journal of Physical Chemistry 115, 14559 (2011) DOI: 10.1021/jp202734n PDF
  5. “Synthesis, optical and structural properties, and charge carrier dynamics of Cu-doped ZnSe nanocrystals”. Sheral Gul, Jason K. Cooper, Carley Corrado, Brian Vollbrecht, Frank Bridges, Jinghua Guo, and Jin Z. Zhang. Journal of Physical Chemistry3, 4182-9 (2011) DOI: 10.1039/c1nr10556f PDF
  6. “Probing the local structure of dilute Cu dopants in fluorescent ZnS nanocrystals using EXAFS”. Brad Car, Scott Medling, Carley Corrado, Frank Bridges, Jin Z. Zhang. Nanoscale3, 4182 (2011) PDF
  7. “Understanding and improving electroluminescence in mill-ground ZnS:Cu,Cl phosphors”. Scott Medling, Chris France, Ben Balaban, Michael Kozina, Yu Jiang, Frank Bridges, and Sue A Carter. J. Phys D.: Appl. Phys.44, 205402 (2011) PDF
  8. Pulsed chemical vapor depostion of Cu2S into a porous TiO2 matrix. I. Carbone, Q. Zhou, B. Vollbrecht, L. Yang, S. Medling, A. Bezryadina, F. Bridges, G.B. Alers, J.T. Norman, and T. Kinmen. J. of Vac. Sci. and Tech. A29, 051505 (2011). Journal
  9. “Degradation and local distortions in electroluminescent ZnS:Cu,Cl phosphors”. Frank Bridges, Scott Medling, Ben Balaban and Sue A Carter. IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng. , 15, 012028 (2010) PDF
  10. “Degradation and rejuvenation studies of AC electroluminescent ZnS:Cu,Cl phosphors”. Jacob Stanley, Yu Jiang, Frank Bridges, Sue A Carter and Laurel Ruhlen. J. Phys.: Condens. Matter , 22, 055301 (2010) PDF
  11. “Enhanced Cu emission in ZnS:Cu,Cl/ZnS core-shell nanocrystals”. Carley Corrado, Morgan Hawker, Grant Livingston, Scott Medling, Frank Bridges and Jin Z. Zhang. Nanoscale , 2, 1213-1221 (2010) PDF
  12. “Synthesis, Structural, and Optical Properties of Stable ZnS:Cu,Cl Nanocrystals”. Carley Corrado, Yu Jiang, Fadekemi Oba, Mike Kozina, Frank Bridges, and Jin Z. Zhang. J. Phys. Chem. A , 113, 3830-9 (2009) PDF
  13. “Electroluminescence materials ZnS:Cu,Cl and ZnS:Cu,Mn,Cl studied by EXAFS spectroscopy”. M. Warkentin, F. Bridges, S. A. Carter, M. Anderson. Phys. Rev. B , 75, 075301 (2007). PDF

Perovskites, Manganites, Cobaltites, and Jahn-Teller Distortions

  1. “Effect of Temperature On Light Induced Degradation in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Thin Films and Solar Cells”G. Abdelmageed, C. MacKeen, K. Hellier, L. Jewell, L. Seymour, M. Tingwald, F. Bridges, J.Z. Zhang, S.A. CarternSolar Energy Materials and Solar Cells174, 566-571 (2018). PDF
  2. Evolution of Iodoplumbate Complexes in Methylammonium Lead Iodide Perovskite Precursor Solutions” A. Sharenko, C. MacKeen, L. Jewell, F. Bridges, M. ToneyChem. Mater.29, 3 (2017). doi:10.1021/acs.chemmater.6b04917?src=recsys PDF
  3. “Local structure in BaTiO_3-BiScO33 dipole glasses” I. Levin, V. Krayzman, J.C. Woicik, F. Bridges, G.E. Sterbinsky, T-M. Usher, J.L. Jones, and D. TorrejonPhys. Rev. B93, 104106 (2016). doi:10.1103/PhysRevB.93.104106 PDF
  4. “Structure and magnetism in LaCoO3” D. Belanger, T. Keiber, F. Bridges, A.M. Durand, A. Mehta, H. Zheng, J.F. Mitchell and V. Borzenets J. Phys.: Condens. Matt.28, 025602 (2016). doi:10.1088/0953-8984/28/2/025602 PDF
  5. “Correlated rattling-ion origins of dielctric properties in reentrant dipole glasses BaTiO_3-BiScO33 ” Victor Krayzman, Igor Levin, Joseph C. Woicik, and Frank BridgesApp. Phys. Lett.107, 192903 (2015). doi:10.1063/1.4935417 PDF
  6. “Unusual evolution of the magnetism on oxygen in La1-xSrxCoO3 “. Scott Medling, Y. Lee, H. Zheng, J. F. Mitchell, J. W. Freeland, B. N. Harmon, and F. Bridges Phys. Status Solidi C 10, 254-258 (2013). PDF
  7. ” Ca K-edge X-ray absorption fine structure in BaTiO3-CaTiO3 solid solutions” . V. Krayzman, I. Levin, J.C. Woicik, F. Bridges, E.J. Nelson, and D.C. Sinclair J. App. Phys. 113, 044106 (2013). PDF
  8. ” Evolution of Magnetic Oxygen States in Sr-Doped LaCoO3. S. Medling, Y. Lee, H. Zheng, J.F. Mitchell, J.W. Freeland, B.N. Harmon and F. Bridges Phys. Review Lett. 109, 157204 (2012). PDF
  9. Spin-orbital Short-range Order on a Honeycomb-based Lattice. S. Nakatsuji, K. Kuga, K. Kimura, R. Satake, N. Katayama, E. Nishibori, H. Sawa, R. Ishii, M. Hagiwara, F. Bridges, T. U. Ito, W. Higemoto, Y. Karaki, M. Halim, A. A. Nugroho, J. A. Rodriguez-Rivera, M. A. Green and C. Broholm. Science 336, 1212154 (2012).
  10. ” Detailed relationship between local structure, polarons, and magnetization for La1-xCaxMnO3 (0.21 <= x <= 0.45)”. F. Bridges, L. Downward, J. J. Neumeier, and T. A. Tyson. Phys. Rev. B , 81, 184401 (2010). PDF
  11. “Study of the local distortions of the perovskite system La1-xSrxCoO3 (0 – x – 0.35) using the extended x-ray absorption fine structure technique”. Y. Jiang, F. Bridges, N. Sundaram, D. P. Belanger, I. E. Anderson, J. F. Mitchell, and H. Zheng Phys. Rev. B , 80, 144423 (2009). PDF
  12. “Local Structure of La1-xSrxCoO3 Determined from EXAFS and Neutron Pair Distribution Function Studies”. N. Sundaram, Y. Jiang, I. E. Anderson, D. P. Belanger, C. H. Booth, F. Bridges, J. F. Mitchell, Th. Proffen, H. Zheng. Phys. Rev. Lett.102, 026401 (2009). PDF
  13. “Relationship between macroscopic physical properties and local distortions of low-doping La1-xCaxMnO3: an EXAFS study”. Y. Jiang, F. Bridges, L. Downward, J. J. Neumeier. Phys. Rev. B76, 224428 (2007). PDF
  14. “Limitations on the extent of off-center displacements in TbMnO3 from EXAFS measurements”. F. Bridges, C. Downs, T. O’Brien, I.-K. Jeong, T. Kimura. Phys. Rev. B , 76, 092109 (2007). PDF
  15. “Evidence for magnetic dimerons in the anisotropic bilayer system La1.2Sr1.8Mn2O7: an EXAFS study”. T. A. O’Brien, F. Bridges, L. Downward, J. F. Mitchell, H. Zheng. Phys. Rev. B , 75, 64417 (2007). PDF
  16. “A universal relationship between magnetization and the local structure in La1-xCaxMnO3; a probe of the magnetization process”. L. Downward, F. Bridges, S. Bushart, J. Neumeier, L. Zhou. Physica ScriptaT115, 629 (2005). PDF
  17. “Universal relationship between magnetization and changes in the local structure in quasicubic and bilayer manganites”. F. Bridges, L. Downward, J. J. Neumeier, J. Mitchell, Hong Zheng. World Scientific. International Journal of Modern Physics B19, 529-32 (2005). PDF
  18. “Universal relationship between magnetization and changes in the local structure of La1-xCaxMnO3: evidence for magnetic dimers”. L. Downward, F. Bridges, S. Bushart, J. J. Neumeier, N. Dilley, L. Zhou. Phys. Rev. Lett.95, 106401/1-4 (2005). PDF
  19. “Evidence for a universal relationship between magnetization and changes in the local structure in La1-xCaxMnO3“. F. Bridges, L. Downward, S. Bushart, J. J. Neumeier. Physica Status Solidi C2, 294-7 (2005). PDF
  20. “Evidence for a universal relationship between magnetization and changes in the local structure”.  L. Downward, F. Bridges, D. Cao, J. Neumeier, and L. Zhou   Int. J. of Mod. Phys. B 17, 3726-8 (2003).  PDF
  21. “Changes of the local distortions and colossal magnetoresistive properties of La0.7Ca0.3MnO3 induced by Ti or Ga defects”.  F. Bridges, D. Cao, M. Anderson, A. P. Ramirez, M. Olapinski, M. A. Subramanian, C. H. Booth, and G. Kwei   Gordon & Breach. Radiation Effects & Defects in Solids 155, 37-41 (2001).  PDF
  22. “Spin-lattice correlations and temperature dependent Mn K-edge structure in the La1-xCaxMnO3 systems”.  F. Bridges, D. Cao, and M. Anderson   AIP Conf. Proc. 554, 384-90 (2001).  PDF
  23. “Local distortions in La0.7Ca0.3Mn1-bAbO3 (A=Ti and Ga) colossal magnetoresistance samples: Correlations with magnetization and evidence for cluster formation”.  D. Cao, F. Bridges, M. Anderson, A. P. Ramirez, M. Olapinski, M. A. Subramanian, C. H. Booth, and G. H. Kwei   Phys. Rev. B 64, 184409/1-14 (2001).  PDF
  24. “Mn K-edge XANES studies of La1-xAxMnO3 systems (A=Ca, Ba, Pb)”.  F. Bridges, C. H. Booth, M. Anderson, G. H. Kwei, J. J. Neumeier, J. Snyder, J. Mitchell, J. S. Gardner, and E. Brosha   Phys. Rev. B 63, 214405/1-14 (2001).  PDF
  25. “Changes in the local structure of a La0.70Ca0.30MnO3 CMR sample induced by a magnetic field”.  D. Cao, F. Bridges, C. H. Booth, and J. J. Neumeier   Phys. Rev. B 62, 8954-8 (2000).  PDF
  26. “Effect of annealing temperature on local distortion of La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 thin films”.  D. Cao, F. Bridges, D. C. Worledge, C. H. Booth, and T. Geballe   Phys. Rev. B 61, 11373-8 (2000).  PDF
  27. “Temperature dependent changes of the Mn 3d and 4p bands near Tc in colossal magnetoresistance systems: XANES study of La1-xCaxMnO3” .  F. Bridges, C. H. Booth, G. H. Kwei, J. J. Neumeier, and G. A. Sawatzky   Phys. Rev. B 61, R9237-40 (2000).  PDF
  28. “Magnetic-feld Modulation Experiments on Colossal Magnetoresistance samples: First results”.  F. Bridges, G. Brown, D. Cao, and M. Anderson   J. Synchrotron Rad. 8, pt 2 (2000).  PDF
  29. “Lattice Effects in LCMO: distortions, charge distribution and magnetism”.  C. H. Booth, F. Bridges, G. H. Kwei, J. M. Lawrence, A. L. Cornelius, and J. J. Neumeier   Phys. Rev. B57, 10440 (1998).   PDF
  30. “Direct Relationship between magnetism and MnO6 distortions in La(1-x)CaxMnO3“.  C. H. Booth, F. Bridges, G. H. Kwei, J. M. Lawrence, A. L. Cornelius, and J. J. Neumeier   Phys. Rev. Lett80, 853 (1998).  PDF

EXAFS and Correlations

  1. “Background Subtraction for Fluorescence EXAFS data of a very dilute dopant Z in Z+1 host”. Scott Medling and Frank Bridges. J. Sync. Rad.18, 679 (2011). PDF
  2. “A Variation of the F-test for Determining Statistical Relevance of Particular Parameters in EXAFS Fits”. L. Downward, C. H. Booth, W. W. Lukens, and F. Bridges X-Ray Absorption Fine Structure – XAFS13: 13th International Conference13, (2006). AIP Conference Proceedings 882, 129 (2007) PDF
  3. “Correlations in the vibrations of atoms in complex unit cells”. F. Bridges, D. Cao. Physica ScriptaT115, 264 (2005). PDF
  4. “Improved self-absorption correction for fluorescence measurements of extended X-ray absorption fine-structure”. C. H. Booth, F. Bridges. Physica ScriptaT115, 202 (2005). PDF
  5. “Correlated local atomic displacements: the microscopic origins for macroscopic phenomena”.  F. Bridges, D. Cao, and C. H. Booth   Application of Synchrotron Radiation Techniques to Materials Science VI. Symposium 678, EE7.1.1-10 (2002). 
  6. “Correlated Local Atomic Displacements: The Microscopic Origins For Macroscopic Phenomena”.  F. Bridges, D. Cao, and C. H. Booth   Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc.678, EE7.1.1 (2001).  PDF
  7. “Possible Evidence of Interstitial Scattering Outside the Muffin-tin Radius in EXAFS Spectra”.  Z. Kvitky, F. Bridges, G. van Dorssen.  Phys. Rev. B 64, 214108 (2001).  PDF
  8. “XAFS Standards: A Comparison of Experiment and Theory”.  G. G. Li, F. Bridges, and C.H. Booth   Phys. Rev. B52, 6332 (1995).  PDF
  9. “Monochromator-induced Glitches in EXAFS Data: II. The Test of the model for a pinhole sample”.  G. G. Li, F. Bridges, and X. Wang   Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A 340, 420 (1994). PDF
  10. “Monochromator-induced glitches in EXAFS data I. Test of the model for linearly tapered samples”.  F. Bridges, G.G. Li, and X. Wang   Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A 320, 548 (1992). PDF
  11. “Minimizing ‘glitches’ in XAFS data: A model for glitch formation.  F. Bridges, X. Wang, and J.B. Boyce   Nucl. Instr. & Meth. A 307, 316 (1991). PDF

Negative Thermal Expansion

  1. “Local Vibrations and Negative Thermal Expansion in ZrW2O8“. F. Bridges, T. Keiber, S. J. L. Billinge, L. Sutton, J. Wilde, and Glen R. Kowach Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 045505 (2014). PDF
  2. “Correlations in the vibrations of atoms in complex unit cells”. F. Bridges and D. Cao Physica ScriptaT115, 264 (2005). PDF
  3. “Correlated atomic motions in the negative thermal expansion material ZrW2O8: a local structure study”.  D. Cao, F. Bridges, G. R. Kowach, and A. P. Ramirez   Phys. Rev. B 68, 14303-1-14 (2003).  PDF

High Tc

  1. “Frustrated soft modes and negative thermal expansion in ZrW2O8“.  D. Cao, F. Bridges, G. R. Kowach, and A. P. Ramirez   Phys. Rev. Lett. 89, 215902/1-4 (2002).  PDF
  2. “Room-temperature Ba(Fe1-xCox)2As2 is not tetragonal: Direct observation of magnetoelastic interactions in pnictide superconductors” C Cantoni, M. A. McGuire, B. Saparov, A. F. May, A. S. Sefat, T. Keiber, F. Bridges, and B. C. Sales Advanced Materials 27 2751-21 (2015) PDF
  3. “CeO2 compatibility with YBa2Cu3O7-δ in superconducting-film multilayers”.  Y. A. Boikov, T. Claeson, D. Erts, F. Bridges, and Z. Kvitky   Phys. Rev. B56, 11312 (1997).  PDF
  4. “XAFS Measurements of Negatively Correlated Atomic Displacements in HgBa2CuO4 + δ“.  F. Bridges et al.   Phys. Rev. B., (Rapid Communications) 52, R15745 (1995).  PDF
  5. “Correlated Local Distortions of the T10 Layers in T12Ba2CuOy: An x-ray absorption study”.  G. G. Li, F. Bridges, J. B. Boyce, T. Claeson, C. Strom, S.-G. Eriksson, and S. D. Conradson   Phys. Rev. B 51, 8564 (1995).  PDF

Saturn’s Rings

  1. “The Sticking properties of water frost produced under various ambient conditions”.  K. D. Supulver, F. Bridges, S. Tiscareno, J. Lievore, and D. N. C. Lin   Icarus 129, 539-554 (1997). PDF
  2. “Energy loss and sticking mechanisms in particle aggregation in planetesimal formation”.  F. Bridges, K. D. Supulver, D. N. C. Lin, R. Knight, and M. Zafra   Icarus 123, 422-435 (1996). PDF
  3. “The Coefficient of Restitution of Ice Particles in Glancing Collisions: Experimental Results for Unfrosted Surfaces”.  K. D. Supulver, F. G. Bridges, and D.N.C. Lin   Icarus 113, 188-199 (1995).  PDF


  1. “The Complexity of the CaF2 :Yb System: A Huge, Reversible, X-ray Induced Valence Reduction”.C. MacKeen, F. Bridges, L. Seijo, Z. Barandiarán, M. Kozina, A. Mehta, M.F. Reid, J.-P. R. Wells J. Phys. Chem. C 121, 28435-28422 (2017) Journal
  2. “Evidence That the Anomalous Emission from CaF2 :Yb2+ Is Not Described by the Impurity Trapped Exciton Model”. C. MacKeen, F. Brigdes, M. Kozina, A. Mehta, M.F. Reid, J.-P. R. Wells, Z. Barandiarán. J. Phys. Chem. L 8, 3313-3316 (2017) PDF Journal
  3. “Substitution of Er, In, and Hf in LiNbO3: evidence for multiple defect distributions about dopant sites”. C. MacKeen, F. Bridges, and L. Kovács. Phys. Rev. Mat. 2, 093602 (2018) PDF Journal
  4. “No difference in local structure aboat a Zn dopant for congruent and stoichiometric LiNbO3“. F. Bridges, C. MacKeen, and L. Kovács. Phys. Rev. B 94, 014101 (2016) PDF Journal
  5. “Resolution of the discrepancy between the variation of the physical properties of Ce1−xYbxCo single crystals and thin films with Yb” S. Jang, B. White, I. Lum, H. Kim, M. Tanatar, W. Straszheim, R. Prozorov, T. Keiber, F. Bridges, L. Shu, R. Baumbach, M. Janoschek, M. B. Maple Phil. Mag. 94, 4219 (2014) doi:10.1080/14786435.2014.976287 PDF
  6. “EXAFS evidence for a primary ZnLi dopant in LiNbO3“. Frank Bridges, Jaime Castillo-Torres, Brad Car, Scott Medling and Michael Kozina. Physical Review B 85, 064107 (2012) PDF Journal
  7. “Local structure study of the off-center displacement of Ti and Zr across the morphotropic phase boundary of PbZr1-xTix O3 (x=0.40,0.47,0.49,0.55)”. D. Cao, I.-K. Jeong, R. H. Heffner, Darling T, J.-K. Lee, F. Bridges, J.-S. Park, K.-S. Hong. Phys. Rev. B , 70, 224102/1-7 (2004). PDF
  8. “Optical properties and local structure of Cu(II) dopant in ZnSe nanoparticles”. T. J. Norman Jr, D. Magana, F. Bridges, J. Z. Zhang. Mater. Res. Soc. Symposium Proceedings 776, 9-15 (2003). PDF
  9. “Local lattice disorder in the geometrically frustrated spin-glass pyrochlore Y2Mo2O 7“.  C. H. Booth, J. S. Gardner, G. H. Kwei, R. H. Heffner, F. Bridges, and M. A. Subramanian   Phys. Rev. B 62 R755-8 (2000).  PDF
  10. “Microwave spectroscopy of the KCl:Li+ system: The Standard Model”.  X. Wang and F. Bridges   Phys. Rev. B 46, 5122 (1992).  PDF
  11. “The Spectroscopy of Crystal Defects: a compendium of defect nomenclature”.  F. Bridges, G. Davies, J. Robertson, and A.M. Stoneham   J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 2, 2875 (1990). PDF